Mitsvaton in Madrid with great starting

2019-10-06 09.38.22The First Mitzvaton took place in Madrid, in 2009, ten years ago, when the Jewish Community of Madrid (CJM) decided to organize a day to involve anyone belonging to this beautiful Congregation to participate on any of several proposals in order to accomplish mitzvot, meaning performing actions dedicated to help your community, environment or any other area of our day to day life.

This year the Mistvaton has been again organised but they have had the initiative to set the date between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur. As most of you know, these days are called “Atseret Yeme Tshuva” (“The 10 days of return”). The day started in the JCC (Jewish Community Center) in Balmes Street of Madrid with a global Shachrit and Selichot, conducted by Rabbi Moshe Bendahan SHLITA, Chief Rabbi of Madrid Jewish Community and FCJE(Council of Jewish Communities of Spain) and after that there was a quick breakfast and everyone went stright to their tasks. There were many ways to be involved in this day, such as visiting old people of our congregation who live alone, fixing up damaged prayer book from different synagogues, or even participating in giving used clothing taken from The Jewish Community of Madrid to a Catholic Parrish in Madrid, giving with this a sample of intercooperation.


Good Job to everybody!!!